Unlocking Creativity – Learning from comedy improv

Clothing Designer: Monique Desar | MUAH: Maaike Buurman | Model: Cecine

I’ve taught a few lectures and workshops. In these, I refer to the people I look up to and other cool friends who are making awesome things. And I’ve heard this over and over again: “But I’m not as creative as them”. I’m not always sure what that means. So let’s nip that excuse in the butt. You say you’re not creative? I’m going to ask you something. And you’re going to get 5 seconds to think about it.

…on the edge of your seat? Onwards»

Starting the Photography Business – Part 1

Self portrait of Richard Terborg Digging

Every person has his or her own way. I can only share with you the path I’ve walked. Once you have decided that photography is the thing you would like to pursue, you do some research on the photography businesses around you. And sooner or later you will hit a wall with a question that will stick for a while: Who am I? And what do I want that will make me happy? Before you figure out who you’re trying to reach with your work, you need to figure out who you are, and what it is you have to offer/give.
…on the edge of your seat? Continue Reading »

5 Things When You’re Stuck In A Creative Rut!

Doll Fashion Photography
Clothing: Tilly Zegers | Model:Michelle Elisabeth | Visagie: Marjan van Duist | Haarstyling: Sha Vlijter | Shoes: Rian Coenders

You know that feeling? That drive inside you that wants to do something? You really, really want to create something awesome, but it just won’t come out? Things just don’t move the way you want them to and things just aren’t going fast enough… Then when suddenly some time becomes available, you can’t seem to figure out where to begin or what project to pick up? And, on top of everything else, it always seems like you have a million things to do?
This might mean you’re stuck in a Creative Rut (for lack of a better term)! This is normal! (At least, that’s what I tell myself so that I’m not the only freak.) But how do we make the brain flow again and get everything moving? Here are a few things I do whenever I get that daunting feeling of running around in a loop and not getting things done:
…on the edge of your seat? Onwards»